World Games Stadium – First Solar-Powered Stadium Of The World Built In Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Taking advantage of the solar-energy, a new futuristic-looking stadium in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, can generate its own electricity. It is worth mentioning that the stadium has been constructed for the World Games, which are going to take place this July. This is world’s first stadium to use exclusively solar power technology to produce all of its electricity, having 8,844 solar panels installed on its roof. The solar […]

Drinking alcohol gives same benefits as YOGA

Research confirms that drinking alcohol gives you the same benefits yoga does !!!….If you don’t believe then see the following pics…and realize the fact…..Very Funny… SavasanaPosition of total relaxation. BalasanaPosition that brings the sensation of peace and calm. Setu Bandha SarvangasanaThis position calms the brain and heals tired legs. MarjayasanaPosition stimulates the midirift area and the spinal comumn. HalasanaExcelent for […]