Amazing Mexican Axolotl – Mexican Axolotl Facts, Photos, Information, Habitats, News

Mexican Axolotl – Ambystoma mexicanum The Mexican axolotl (pronounced ACK-suh-LAH-tuhl) salamander has the rare trait of retaining its larval features throughout its adult life. This condition, called neoteny, means it keeps its tadpole-like dorsal fin, which runs almost the length of its body, and its feathery external gills, which protrude from the back of its wide head. The axolotl, Ambystoma […]

Amazing 3D Virtual Street Reality – Amazing 3D Street Illusion Painting, Virtual Street Reality Paintings

3D Virtual Street Reality – Amazing Street Paintings Street Painting has been recorded throughout Europe since the 16th century. Street painters in Italy are called madonnari.because they often created pictures representing the Madonna. Historically, madonnari were itinerant artists who lived a life of travel and freedom. Aware of the festival and holy days (holidays) in each province and town, they traveled […]

Worlds Most Dangerous Plants & Deadliest Plants on the Earth

Worlds Most Dangerous Plants & Deadliest Plants on the Earth Over millions of years, plants have developed some crafty ways to fend off hungry animals. Deadly neurotoxins, thorns capable of puncturing car tires, and powerful digestive enzymes are just a few. Following the recent discovery of Nepenthes attenboroughii, a giant pitcher plant large enough to digest rodents, PM tracked down poison-plant […]