Amazing Stick Insect – Giant Stick Bug Facts, Photos, Information, Habitats, News

Amazing Stick Insect – Phasmida Stick insects are insects in the order Phasmatodea (or Phasmida). The whole order is camouflaged as either sticks or leaves. Leaf insects are generally the family Phylliidae. They are found in South and southeast Asia to Australia. There are in excess of 3,000 described species, with many more yet to be described, in museum collections and […]

Hand Painting Ads by Guido Daniele – Amazing and Unbelievable Hand Painting Art

Hand Painting Ads by Guido Daniele Guido Daniele is an artist who lives and works in Milan, Italy. Daniel was born in Soverato. In 1972, he graduated from Brera School of Arts, majoring in sculpture and then Tankas school in Dharamsala, India by 1974. After graduating, he lived in India, where he attended school in Dharamsala Tanka. Since 1968, Guido painted […]

Amazing Ice Sculptures Art : Amazing Beautiful and Unique Snow Sculptures around the world

Ice Sculpture Designs, Ice Carvings and Ice Art  Ice sculpture is a form of sculpture that uses ice as the raw material. Sculptures from ice can be abstract or realistic and can be functional or purely decorative. Ice sculptures are generally associated with special or extravagant events because of their limited lifetime. The lifetime of a sculpture is determined primarily […]