The pair, who were born in a tiny village near Raipur in central India, share two legs and four arms and work in tandem to get around. They have stunned doctors with their ability to wash, dress and feed themselves.

A local doctor told the family they were both healthy but he could not separate them. They are believed to share the same stomach but have independent lungs, hearts and brains.

Conjoined twins Shivanath and Shivram Sahu caused quite a stir when they were born in India, with some people in their village worshipping them as divine incarnations.

And while one doctor has said that it would be possible to separate the 12-year-olds, who were born joined at the waist, the duo are determined to remain together.

Shivram said: ‘We don’t wish to get separated. We will stay like this even when we grow old. We want to live as we are.’