Say Hello to Harvey Dent: The Two-Faced Kitten

If cats are believed to have nine lives, how many lives could a cat with two faces have? Appropriately named Harvey Dent after the two-faced character in the Batman Series, this adorable little kitten was recently born healthy in the Port Charlotte, FL home of Nash Hand and his wife Amanda Forsythe.

Hand said that the television news station could not believe what he was telling them,

“[She said] ‘What are you talking about? What do you mean two faces?’ I said it has two faces! This cat has two faces!”

Just after having seen a show about a two-faced cat, this rare occurrence caught the couple by surprise, more so after having just discussed how “wouldn’t it be weird if that happened to us?”. The little kitty has four eyes, two noses and two mouths of which all work simultaneously.

“When he eats on one side it looks like he is eating on the other. When he meows it comes out of both sides.”

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