It’s true. World’s most expensive coffee is…..FULL OF SH*T. Read it to believe it.
Kopi Luwak is one of the world’s most expensive coffees. 1 lbs of coffee costs $600. A cup of coffee in a restaurant of London costs $99.00.
But what makes it so expensive ? It is because the supplies are limited. Only 1,000 pounds (450 kg) at most make it into the world market each year.
But why the supply is limited ? It is because of an animal which isn’t commonly found. Weird ?
Well…the coffee is made from coffee berries. An animal (Asian Palm Civet) eats it. The beans of these coffee pass through their system undigested. Once they poop, people picks it up and makes coffee out of it. Yukkkkkkk !!!!
And….people pay $99.00 to drink poop of this animal. Where the world is heading towards ??? lol

Kopi luwak is produced mainly on the islands of Sumatra, Java, Bali and Sulawesi in the Indonesian Archipelago. It is also produced in the Philippines (where the product is called motit coffee in the Cordillera, kape alamid in Tagalog areas) and also produced in East Timur (where it is called kafé-laku). Weasel coffee is a loose English translation of its Vietnamese name cà phê Cho^`n, where popular, chemically simulated versions are also produced. However, Vietnam has 2 farms with 300 wild civets in Dak Lak. The farmers collect the coffee seeds and produce only 300 kg of authentic Vietnamese chon coffee. The civets live in the wild and are fed beef. The processed civet beans are imported to the UK to the farmers’ sole UK supplier.